US Wellness

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Overdue Updates

Things have been so busy the past couple of days that I haven't had much chance to update.  Both Monday and Tuesday nights we didn't go to CF as we both worked late and then celebrated Valentine's day yesterday. I'm feeling guilty about not being more motivated to go in the mornings, but this week I'm just not.  I'm not sure if we'll hit up the gym tonight either.  It's "Grace" (see below) tonight for the wod, so I would like to do that one for time and see where I'm at.  While I'm out of town for work I'm going to try to hit up the gym (if there even is one?) at Starved Rock.  It won't be CF, but the best I can do.  I guess this will be a rest week and that will just have to be okay!  Hopefully I can sign up for yoga this weekend and start the week off right.

Food has continued to go well.  The only cheats I've had were 2 chocolates the other night that Mark's mom bought us for Vday and some milk.  Other than that, I've been back to pretty strict paleo.  I can't remember exactly what I had on Monday for lunch (maybe steak and avocado?), but breakfast consisted of eggs and bacon.  Monday at the work Valentine's party I had a bit of fruit and a couple pieces of deli meat.  There were TONS of temptations there, but I stayed away from everything.  I'm feeling pretty proud of myself for the will power that I have when I need it.  That night Mark cooked up a couple of sausages for a late night dinner/snack.  Tuesday I'm sure we started the day with eggs.  Lunch was 2 sausages and some pineapple and strawberries.  I made a paleo recipe for dinner and while I followed directions I didn't think it turned out very well.  The recipe was for chicken breasts with a sun dried tomato sauce and I'm not sure what I expected, but it was tooooo sweet.  Mark thought it was fine (at least he said), but I would never make it again.  Today we again had eggs and beef bacon.  For lunch I had 2 grass fed hot dogs, a banana, and some nuts.  Dinner will be grass fed bison burgers.

I was worried earlier in the week about having to eat at the work function and what I'd do for snacks.  At Whole Foods on Monday night I got some bananas, apples, and nuts.  I hope this helps me to keep any temptations at bay.  If dinners are as they've been in the past there are a lot of carbs involved.  :(  I hope that not a lot of people notice that I'm not eating them because I hate trying to explain paleo to people who aren't really interested in it.

Mark leaves tomorrow for Hong Kong, which changes my schedule around as I blogged about a few days ago.  Earlier to bed and earlier to rise so I can skype with him and make myself breakfast and lunch.  I'll be on the hunt for new recipes for the next few weeks too that aren't super complicated.  If anyone has any ideas for me that would be awesome.  I definitely have Erinn's salad ideas in mind.

I'll try to update as I can for the next few days!

1 comment:

  1. I sent Mark the paleo recipe book I bought (it's a PDF). Have you tried any?
