Do you ever wish you could throw as much energy into important tasks as you do to completely silly and useless ones? For example, you would think that I was writing a literary masterpiece about some monumental moment in history....I have several browsers open....I'm flipping back and forth....taking notes...drawing diagrams......working up a bibliography....and what am I doing?? Trying to find a new place to get my haircut. You think you have solid Yelp skills? You got nothin' on me. ;) After several painstaking hours of research I finally settled on Charmed on Damen. I wasn't sold looking at the website or the headshots of the stylists themselves but the reviews convinced me to give it to try. Noon is the bewitching hour tomorrow so wish me luck. I'll keep you posted.
I went to yoga today and had another good class. I didn't even have that typical "what the f&(k am I doing here" feeling half way through. Tomorrow is a lifting day and I'm really excited for it!! This week got a little busy on me so I won't make it to a kickboxing class, but next week I will be there!! The other thing I've become really interested in doing is running a 5K. There's a couple coming up in the city and I am going to need a running buddy here very soon! Put your applications in for my consideration! :)
My paleo life has been going great. I made brisket in the crock pot this week and it turned out amazing! Other recent things on the menu have been pork loin, brussel sprouts, butternut squash, and various snacks. I discovered almond butter again so that's been showing up a lot.
Alright, short post tonight. Off to bed! :)
OOh! You'll have to share the brisket recipe! Definitely interested in that one:) And we love almond butter at our house!