US Wellness

Sunday, March 3, 2013

Fab Pink Pants

Hey guys! Hope you all had an awesome weekend.  In my attempt to have more of a low key weekend I'd say I was half successful. I can't turn down going to dueling pianos no matter how hard I try. ;)  But....last night was a stay in and order chinese GNI (girl's night in), which was so fun and definitely needed!

Since my legs were pretty sore from Friday's workout I took the day off yesterday.  Today I headed over to Conviction after the Hawks' game.  If you saw the game then you'd understand why I didn't want to leave.  It was intense from the first drop of the puck!  :)

Here's the workout from today, it was less reps and heavier weights than we've been doing:

  • Clean and Jerk:  4 X 1 @ 95% of 1RM
    • I think I've mentioned a few times that I'm not exactly sure what my 1RM's are so I have to do some guess-work.  I get a little nervous about lifting heavy, too, because I don't want to kill myself and have no one around.  ....and reason 3 I get super embarrassed if I have to drop a weight...although that's getting better!  
    • I warmed up with 40, 50, and 60 lbs before doing my workout reps with 65 lbs.  I'll post the video of my 4th and final rep - which looks way easier than it felt.  I *wanted* to try 70 lbs but I just wasn't sure I could do it for 4.  I'll get there.  ;)  I started doing that little jump forward again today....maybe a function of a heavier weight??  That's gotta go!
    • My old notebook has my C&J 1RM at 44kg (96lbs).  I kept missing 45 kg (99lbs) for the jerk portion at the time, so I'm still about 30 lbs off that.  

  • Back Squat: 80% of 1RM, 5 sets x 2 reps
    • I haven't back squatted a lot because it hasn't shown up in a lot of workouts.  I did a few warm up reps at 40, 50, 70, and then decided I'd try my reps at 90 lbs.  I think the last time I BS'd I think I was around 70 or 75 lbs so big improvement!
    • I didn't video these, but I think they went pretty well.  I was worn out by the end.
  • Running:  I figured I should try to get in some running today since I was at the gym.  I ran 1 mile at  9:30 pace and I felt pretty good!  I was thinking I'd run another mile, but my legs were already sore so  I decided that wasn't necessary.  I definitely think 9:00 is very do-able right now, but breaking that is going to take some work!  
Busy week this week, but I'm ready for it!! :)

P.S. LOVIN' these new hot pink workout pants!  They'll be perfect for the Rave Run!!

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