US Wellness

Sunday, January 13, 2013

Sunday Funday

I am completely obsessed with food and finding new places and favorite things.  I feel like food dominates my thoughts and my conversations. :)  Sometimes, its hard to be a true foodie when I'm doing paleo, which is why going off paleo for a short bit is awesome.  Take for instance my breakfast yesterday from Coobah's on Southport.  AH - freakin' - MAZING!!  I got the huevos benedicto or for my non-spanish speaking audience - eggs benedict.  I'm not sure if anyone has ever ordered eggs benedict at Coobah's but you can get crab cakes with them instead of ham....holy shit!  They come with a side of chili powdered tater tots.  I must say that I never hear anyone talk about this place, but everything I've ever eaten there has been really awesome.  I am a huge fan!

Interestingly enough to me...not to you...but to me....I had bought crab cakes to make for myself at Whole Foods on Friday night so I had some for dinner....and dinner again today.  I think I've gotten it out of my system.  :)

....and now I need to be back on the wagon again. :)

As you know, I had a take a couple of days off from the gym.  I'm ready to go back, but I'm still not happy with the having to go light thing.  Being hurt sucks worse than feeling weak.  I'll get over it.

So, I really try very much to keep other personal things off of the blog, however, I guess I can just comment that I feel very out of sorts.  I hope that things sort themselves out soon.  Here's to pushing myself to do the best things for me.

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