US Wellness

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Decade 3.0

"One kind word can change someone else's day."

A few days ago, when I wasn't exactly at my best, a friend said to me that its remarkable how resilient I am.  At that moment, I think I wasn't really listening because I was emotionally wrapped up in what I was saying. Even if I was completely tuned in I may have just dismissed it in disagreement. It's a few days later now and I've found myself going back to those words a lot and feeling good each time I do.  I'm not sure that I see exactly what they do, but each unexpected and difficult situation that's come up I think I've not only survived but re-emerged a better version of myself.  If anything, I'm more appreciative of the good things that fill up my life, which is true now more than ever.  

Also, I just entered a new decade.  Some days the idea of 30 scares me, but I'm trying to think of it as the dawn of a time for me to really figure out what excites me.  Maybe I'll do a few things that scare me and I'll discover some new things in the process?  For instance, a couple of years ago, I would have never thought that I would be where I am now with the health and fitness part of my life.  I thought about being in shape but I had very little direction and/or motivation.  It was another time, similar to this, when I was trying to figure myself out.  Fast forward through being scared and the gym...lifting weights....doing's all familiar.  What's not?  Running.  I actually hate to run, so last week I decided that I wanted to do a 5k.  Serendipitously, the Rave 5K showed up on Living Social today and I knew that was going to be my first race.  My friend Josh and I signed up! I'm so excited about doing something that I never thought it would...even if I suck at it.  Hopefully, its the first of many things. :)

No gym today.  I woke up with a little bit of a cold and I reset my alarm so I could get some more sleep.  Honestly, I was disappointed, but I'm sure I wouldn't have had a very productive session.  I hope I'm feeling better tomorrow!

Food today was paleo minus the chai latte.  I looked up that it's gluten-free-ness on the Starbucks website.  I rationalized that it would make my sore throat feel better.  I was right....but then again...when am I wrong?? ;) *jk* 

A couple of random things....

1) I am so obsessed with hockey right now.  My interest in this is on a whole new level this season.  I'm not sure if it's because I had to wait so long for the season to start or what.  Whatever it is...exciting times being a Hawks fan at the moment!  Fingers crossed that I get to another game in March.

2) You know that they say that people and their pets start to resemble each other?  I took this picture of Sharpie tonight and I thought it looked familiar.  See for yourself. :)

3) Tomorrow's promise is to wear something not featured in the Slob Kabob Spring 2013 Collection and to blog about it, to cook, and to go to the gym! ;) 

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